
The importers normally all work very well together with Smart Importer and are also usable in Fava.


Import transactions from Bitstamp

Create a file called (or ending with) bitstamp.yaml in your import location (e.g. downloads folder).

username: "12345"
key: "MyKey"
secret: "MySecret"
account: 'Assets:Bitstamp'
otherExpensesAccount: 'Expenses:Fee'
capGainAccount: 'Income:Capitalgain'
monthCutoff: 3
  - eur
  - btc
from tariochbctools.importers.bitst import importer as bitstimp

CONFIG = [bitstimp.Importer()]


Import from QuickFile using their API services. Supports a range of (mostly UK) banks.

Requires a QuickFile account (any pricing plan, including free) but with a paid Automated Bank Feed subscription (small annual fee).

It is assumed you already have automated bank feeds configured within QuickFile for the accounts of interest and are able to browse transactions within the QuickFile dashboard.

from tariochbctools.importers.quickfile import importer as qfimp

CONFIG = [qfimp.Importer()]

Create a file called quickfile.yaml in your import location (e.g. download folder).

account_number: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_NUMBER"
api_key: YOUR_API_KEY
app_id: YOUR_APP_ID
from_date: 2020-12-13
to_date: 2020-12-20
    1200: Assets:Other
    1201: Assets:Savings
transaction_count: 200

from_date and to_date are both optional

To obtain an API key you must create an app in the Account Settings | 3rd Party Integration | API section of your account dashboard.

The only permissions it needs to have is “Invoices.Bank_Search”

your api_key is for your account, you can find it on “Settings - My Apps” or in the quickfile sandbox

Accounts are indexed in the config by their nominal code (typically: ~1200) visible in each account’s settings. Only accounts listed in the config will be queried.


Import CSV from Revolut

from tariochbctools.importers.revolut import importer as revolutimp

CONFIG = [revolutimp.Importer("/Revolut-CHF.*\.csv", "Assets:Revolut:CHF", "CHF")]

Wise (formerly Transferwise)

Import from Wise using their api.

First, generate a personal API token by logging on and going to settings. Next, you need to generate a public/private key pair and then upload the public key part to your account. To generate the keys, execute (e.g. in your .ssh folder)

openssl genrsa -out wise.pem
openssl rsa -pubout -in wise.pem -out wise_public.pem
openssl pkey -in wise.pem -traditional > wise_traditional.pem

The final command makes a traditional private key for compatibility with the python rsa library. This may stop being necessary at some point. See this page for details.

Now upload the public key part to your Wise account.

You can then create an import config for beancount, or add Wise to your existing one.

from tariochbctools.importers.transferwise import importer as twimp

CONFIG = [twimp.Importer()]

Create a file called (or ending with) transferwise.yaml in your import location (e.g. download folder).

token: <your api token>
baseAccount: <Assets:Transferwise:>
privateKeyPath: /path/to/wise_traditional.pem

Optionally, you can provide a dictionary of account names mapped by currency. In this case you must provide a name for every currency in your Wise account, otherwise the import will fail.

token: <your api token>
  SEK: "Assets:MySwedishWiseAccount"
  GBP: "Assets:MyUKWiseAccount"
privateKeyPath: /path/to/wise_traditional.pem


Import from TrueLayer using their api services. e.g. supports Revolut. You need to create a dev account and see their documentation about how to get a refresh token.

from tariochbctools.importers.truelayer import importer as tlimp

CONFIG = [tlimp.Importer()]

Create a file called (or ending with) truelayer.yaml in your import location (e.g. download folder).

account: <Assets:MyBank>
client_id: <CLIENT ID>
client_secret: <CLIENT SECRET>
refresh_token: <REFRESH TOKEN>

Instead of a single account, the configuration may include a mapping from TrueLayer account IDs to beancount accounts. e.g.:

  1aacb3110398ec5a2334fb0ffc2fface: Assets:Revolut:GBP
  ec34db160c61d468dc1cedde8bedb1f1: Liabilities:Visa

If it is present, transactions for only these accounts will be imported.

GoCardless (formerly Nordigen)

Import from GoCardless (formerly known as Nordigen) using their api services. Supports 2500+ banks in Europe and the UK including e.g. Revolut. You need to create a free account and create a token. I’ve included a small cli to allow to hook up to different banks with GoCardless. If you’re country is not supported you can play around with other countries e.g. CH is not allowed but things like revolut still work. You can also create multiple links and they will all be listed in the end.

nordigen-conf list_banks --secret_id YOURSECRET_ID --secret_key YOURSECRET_KEY --country DE
nordigen-conf create_link --secret_id YOURSECRET_ID --secret_key YOURSECRET_KEY --bank REVOLUT_REVOGB21 --reference myref
nordigen-conf list_accounts --secret_id YOURSECRET_ID --secret_key YOURSECRET_KEY
nordigen-conf delete_link --secret_id YOURSECRET_ID --secret_key YOURSECRET_KEY --reference myref
from tariochbctools.importers.nordigen import importer as nordimp

CONFIG = [nordimp.Importer()]

Create a file called (or ending with) nordigen.yaml in your import location (e.g. download folder).

secret_id: <YOURSECRET_ID>
secret_key: <YOURSECRET_KEY>

  - id: <ACCOUNT-ID>
    asset_account: "Assets:MyAccount:CHF"


Import mt940 from Zürcher Kantonalbank

from tariochbctools.importers.zkb import importer as zkbimp

CONFIG = [zkbimp.ZkbImporter("/\d+\.mt940", "Assets:ZKB")]

Raiffeisen CH

Import mt940 from Raiffeisen Schweiz

from tariochbctools.importers.raiffeisench import importer as raiffeisenimp

    raiffeisenimp.RaiffeisenCHImporter("/Konto_CH\d+_\d+\.mt940", "Assets:Raiffeisen")


Import dividends and buys from Interactive Brokers

Create a file called (or ending with) ibkr.yaml in your import location (e.g. downloads folder).

token: <flex web query token>
queryId: <flex query id>
baseCcy: CHF
from tariochbctools.importers.ibkr import importer as ibkrimp

CONFIG = [ibkrimp.Importer()]


Import PDF from Bank Cler ZAK

from tariochbctools.importers.zak import importer as zakimp

CONFIG = [zakimp.Importer(r"Kontoauszug.*\.pdf", "Assets:ZAK:CHF")]


Import Swift mt940 files.


Generate scheduled transactions.

Define a file called (or ending with) schedule.yaml in your import location (e.g. downloads folder). That describes the schedule transactions. They will be added each month at the end of the month.

  - narration: 'Save'
        - account: 'Assets:Normal'
          amount: '-10'
          currency: CHF
        - account: 'Assets:Saving'
from tariochbctools.importers.schedule import importer as scheduleimp

CONFIG = [scheduleimp.Importer()]

Cembra Mastercard Montly Statement

Import Monthly Statement PDF from Cembra Money Bank (e.g. Cumulus Mastercard). Requires the dependencies for camelot to be installed. See

from tariochbctools.importers.cembrastatement import importer as cembrastatementimp

CONFIG = [cembrastatementimp.Importer("\d+.pdf", "Liabilities:Cembra:Mastercard")]


Import transactions from Blockchain

Create a file called (or ending with) blockchain.yaml in your import location (e.g. downloads folder).

base_ccy: CHF
  - address: 'SOMEADDRESS'
    currency: 'BTC'
    narration: 'Some Narration'
    asset_account: 'Assets:MyCrypto:BTC'
    currency: 'LTC'
    narration: 'Some Narration'
    asset_account: 'Assets:MyCrypto:LTC'
from tariochbctools.importers.blockchain import importer as bcimp

CONFIG = [bcimp.Importer()]

Mail Adapter

Instead of expecting files to be in a local directory. Connect per imap to a mail account and search for attachments to import using other importers.

Create a file called mail.yaml in your import location (e.g. downloads folder).

host: "imap.example.tld"
user: "myuser"
password: "mypassword"
folder: "INBOX"
targetFolder: "Archive"

The targetFolder is optional, if present, mails that had attachments which were valid, will be moved to this folder.

from tariochbctools.importers.general.mailAdapterImporter import MailAdapterImporter

CONFIG = [MailAdapterImporter([MyImporter1(), MyImporter2()])]


Import CSV from Neon

from tariochbctools.importers.neon import importer as neonimp

CONFIG = [neonimp.Importer("\d\d\d\d_account_statements\.csv", "Assets:Neon:CHF")]

Viseca One

Import PDF from Viseca One

from tariochbctools.importers.viseca import importer as visecaimp

CONFIG = [visecaimp.Importer(r"Kontoauszug.*\.pdf", "Assets:Viseca:CHF")]


Import mt940 from BCGE

from tariochbctools.importers.bcge import importer as bcge

CONFIG = [bcge.BCGEImporter("/\d+\.mt940", "Assets:BCGE")]

Swisscard cards

Import Swisscard’s Cashback Cards <> transactions from a CSV export.

from tariochbctools.importers.swisscard import importer as swisscard

CONFIG = [swisscard.SwisscardImporter("swisscard/.*\.csv", "Liabilities:Cashback")]

Fidelity Netbenefits

Import Fidelity Netbenefits <> transactions from a CSV export of the activities.

from tariochbctools.importers.netbenefits import importer as netbenefits

        regexps="Transaction history\.csv",
        ignoreTypes=["REINVESTMENT REINVEST @ $1.000"],